Light fixtures are permanent parts of our daily lives. Whether we’re switching on a lamp or raising the dimmer on overhead lighting, we depend on the glow that’s given. If you plan to add lighting other than lamps at your home or office, it’s usually best to consult a professional. A trained and licensed electrician… Read More
Are Radon Levels Higher in Winter? You’ll Want to Know
Many people are familiar with the importance of testing for radon, a gas that forms from the radioactive decay of naturally occurring uranium in soil. It is released by seeping through the soil into the atmosphere. We can’t see, smell or taste radon, and if we don’t test for it, we can breathe it for… Read More
Why Is It Important to Hire a Licensed Electrician?
Staying Smart in Oswego, Yorkville, Naperville, Aurora and Plainfield (IL) In a perfect world, we would be able to do most things for ourselves. For the majority who can’t, the jacks-of-all-trades we know can sometimes save us time and money. YouTube and the Internet further make it possible for even total novices to solve certain… Read More
What Kind of Radon Reduction System is Best?
What is the best Radon Reduction System for my house? Your house type will affect the kind of radon reduction system that will work best. Houses are generally categorized according to their foundation design. For example: basement, slab-on-grade (concrete poured at ground level), or crawlspace (a shallow unfinished space under the first floor). Some houses… Read More
Radon and You
High Level of Radon…Now What?
Your house tested high for radon, now what? First of all, stay calm if you discover radon in your home. It’s a common problem that can be fixed with the proper response. Radon is a toxic, odorless, colorless gas that causes lung cancer is people who are routinely exposed to it. There is no safe… Read More
Illinois Radon Laws: What You Need To Know
Did you know Illinois has Radon laws? These radon laws have been implemented to protect home owners, renters as well as children. Let’s take a look at some of the most recent Illinois Radon laws. Radon Law #1: Illinois Radon Resistant Construction Act On June 1, 2013, all new construction single family homes or dwellings… Read More
5 Causes of Lung Cancer (in non smokers)
While cigarette smoking is an undisputed cause of lung cancer, not all cases of lung cancer occur in smokers or former smokers. Each year, over 170,000 Americans develop lung cancer, and approximately ten per cent of lung cancers, or 17,000 cases, occur in non-smokers. Although not every non-smoker suffering from lung cancer will have an… Read More
Your Passive Radon System Isn’t Good Enough
My new home came with a passive radon system. Isn't that good enough? The short answer: no. The long one: even a perfectly constructed passive radon system will not necessarily reduce radon levels below the EPA's action level of 4 pCi/l. This doesn't mean your home wasn't built well. It just means that the strength… Read More
How is Radon Measured?
You had a radon test done. It came back "high" at 5.0 pCi/L. What? What does that mean? That doesn't exactly seem high. How is radon measured? Radon is measured in "pico-Curies per liter of air" abbreviated as pCi/L. The radon measurement gets its name from Madame Curie. How is radon measured? A single pCi/L… Read More