If your home tests positive for Radon, there is nothing to be ashamed of. You do not have to keep it a deep, dark secret. In fact, it can be good to share the news with your neighbors. Just because you have Radon does not mean they do. However, it can’t hurt for your neighbors to test.
Since Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas, it is not your fault if your home tests high. It is not because you have a dirty home. Or because you have a “gross” basement. Or, really, any fault of your own. It happens from a natural breakdown of uranium in rock and soil. 41% of homes in Illinois have a Radon level at or above the action level.
A good way to let your neighbors know is to write them a quick letter or email. While there is no legal obligation to let them know you have radon, it builds goodwill in your community.
Dear Neighbors,
We recently had our home tested for Radon. We were shocked to discover the results. The radon levels were at xx pCi/L. This is x times the action level. Since radon is a cancer causing gas, we have had our home mitigated by a licensed radon mitigation company. This has reduced the level of radon to a safe level. Radon is found in 41% of homes. Just because we had it, does not mean you will. Even if you are not worried about radon, if you are interested in selling your home, you will be required to have a radon test. Your test will be valid for 5 years. These are the companies we used:
You would tell your neighbors there was a criminal on the loose. Why wouldn’t you let them know about a potential silent killer? It just might save a life.
Would you tell your neighbors about radon?