The communities of Yorkville, Oswego, Bristol, Montgomery, Aurora & beyond have seen an influx of crime as the weather has gotten warmer & school has been out. Car break-ins & home invasions are being reported almost daily. Besides locking your car doors, keeping valuables in a safe, and having a mean looking pooch running around, what can you do to deter a robbery? The thought of a robbery can be very scary. Fortunately, there are some easy solutions that may help to deter a robbery, including outdoor lighting.
Make sure your home is well lit.
Having good outdoor lighting, and using it, may make a criminal think twice about hitting your home. Outdoor lighting helps keep the exterior of your home visible, even when it’s pitch black elsewhere. This doesn’t just mean a porch light. Does the back of your home have a flood light? What about your driveway?
The best (easiest & cheapest) way to determine if your home has good outdoor lighting is to check it out at night. Take note of areas that are dark. Are there areas that someone could easily gain entry into your home or vehicle without being noticed? Add some outdoor lighting to those areas. Motion sensor outdoor lights are a great way to conserve on energy, light the areas you need, and even scare an intruder. They only come on when they sense movement. After a certain amount of time, they turn off.
Utilize Timers
Having the right outdoor lighting in place won’t do anything unless you remember to turn it on. Timers conserve on energy and help to maintain good outdoor lighting. Timers make an electric device turn on or off at a designated time. Do you always forget to flick on your porch light when it gets dark? Set up a timer to have the light automatically come on at dusk. Timers can also be used on the interior of your home. Do you often get home after dark? Set one up for a lamp in your living room, or in your entryway. You’ll never come home to a dark house again!
If you need help installing or evaluating your need for outdoor lighting or a timer, give Trinity a call – 630-499-1492. Our licensed, bonded & insured electrical technicians are standing by to make your home safe.